Welcome to inquisitive

Where intellectuals meet to think more deeply about open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement in today’s colleges and universities.

About Magazine

What is inquisitive?

An intellectual magazine published quarterly by Heterodox Academy, inquisitive uses a “small plate” approach to exploring the values of and challenges to open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement in higher ed. With compelling art and text, inquisitive functions as a medium where intellectual change-makers meet over uncomfortable questions and great ideas.

Each issue of inquisitive is wrapped around a theme meant to provoke novel takes and insights. In addition to theme-based essays, each issue also features a books column, historical vignettes, a “field guide” to a contested academic discipline, and “Heterodox Life,” first-person takes on life in the modern academy. We invite contributions to inquisitive particularly from graduate students and faculty in higher ed. Find our current call for proposals here.

inquisitive is available online for free. The print edition will be mailed to donors of Heterodox Academy who give at least $120 per year - just $10 per month. Please consider making a donation today to protect open inquiry in higher education.

inquisitive is published under Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0. Read more here.

Our Team

  • Alice Dreger , Ph.D.Managing Editor
  • Janelle Delia Graphic Designer
  • Nicole Barbaro , Ph.D.Director of Communications, Marketing & Events
  • Alex Arnold , Ph.D.Director of Research

About Heterodox Academy

Heterodox Academy (HxA) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit membership organization composed of thousands of faculty, staff, and students advocating for policy and culture changes to ensure our universities are truth-seeking, knowledge-generating institutions grounded in open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement.

Founded in 2015, HxA has been working for nearly a decade to educate about the value of viewpoint diversity in research and teaching and to help create campus cultures in which open inquiry thrives. With 74 HxA Campus Communities and thousands of members across more than 1,800 institutions, HxA advances its mission through policy recommendations, member organizing, and a positive belief in the potential of our institutions of higher education.

Open Call

The theme of inquisitive’s fourth issue is “Class.” We want to hear what you’d like to contribute.

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